9824210715 9925121285 Phone
nish8512@gmail.com Email

About Us

Elegant Wealth Management located in Rajkot, India is a Master Franchisee of Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. for marketing of MOFSL services across Saurashtra. The introduction to high quality advise and service coupled with an organized and extnsive network of 35+ channel partners has created a paradigm shift in the way investors percieve equities in Saurashtra. Elegant Wealth Management has served more than 20000 clients through its channel of partners and branches and helped the clients in their way to wealth creation.

The company was started by Mr. Samir Chag as Elegant Equity in 2001 and he is the founding partner of the company. He has wide experience of 25 years in equity markets. His son Mr. Nishant Chag joined the company in 2011 after completing his M.B.A and C.F.A. Mr. Samir Chag's experience and Mr. Nishant Chag's dynamism has taken the company to new highs. Currently they are managing AUM of more than 60 crores in Mutual fund & PMS.


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Mobile App

Manage your wealth & track your family’s portfolio with one single login. You can easily and quickly invest in Mutual Funds from the app. Explore funds, view their performance and invest. Start an SIP or invest Lumpsum. Check out our recommendation of funds under Focused Funds. Whether you made profits or loss, check out from the reports. Simply Login and setup a 4 digit PIN for subsequent login so that you don’t need to enter your Username & Password every time. Download Now!

Mutual Funds

To many people, Mutual Funds can seem complicated or intimidating. We are going to try and simplify it for you at its very basic level. Essentially, the money pooled in by a large number of people (or investors) is what makes up a Mutual Fund. This fund is managed by a professional fund manager.

It is a trust that collects money from a number of investors who share a common investment objective. Then, it invests the money in equities, bonds, money market instruments and/or other securities. Each investor owns units, which represent a portion of the holdings of the fund. The income/gains generated from this collective investment is distributed proportionately amongst the investors after deducting certain expenses, by calculating a scheme’s “Net Asset Value or NAV. Simply put, a Mutual Fund is one of the most viable investment options for the common man as it offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified, professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively low cost.


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Contact Us


9824210715 9925121285
Email nish8512@gmail.com
Address: 401, Hem Arcade
Dr. Yagnik Road
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